
What Is Agripreneurship?

Agripreneurship means the study of agriculture and entrepreneurship. Agripreneurship turns your farm into agribusiness. The term agripreneurship is synonymous with entrepreneurship in agriculture and refers to the establishment of agribusiness in agriculture and thus the allied sector. Agripreneurship is commonly defined as sustainable, community-focused, directly marketed agriculture. Sustainable Agriculture reflects a holistic, system-oriented approach to farming that focuses on the interrelationships of social, economic, and environmental processes. Agripreneurship can already be seen in dairy, sericulture, floriculture, vegetable farming, and agro-forestry. Additionally, initiatives like Agripreneur Agro-Production Processing Units (Rice & Dal Mills), Agro-Produce Manufacturing Units (Sugar & Bakery Factories / Units), and Agro-Inputs Manufacturing Units (Fertilizer Production Units, Food Processing Units, and Agro-Service Centre).

Need Of Agripreneurship

  • Agricultural and Horticultural products are locally available.
  • These small-scale industries don’t require huge infrastructure and sophisticated scientific technologies
  • These enterprises don’t require huge expenditure.
  • Agripreneurship development has huge potential for creating new employment opportunities for rural youth.
  • Availability of land for agricultural purposes.
  • Requirement of funds for agricultural activities.
  • Requirement of a literate and educated population.

Why Agripreneurship Is Required?

  • Increased demand for organic/quality food abroad in India further. The annual growth of the market is about 15-25 percent.
  • Competitive advantage for several primary production activities in agriculture. Farming, aquaculture rain-fed farming, livestock, wild animals, tropical fruits and vegetables, etc…, are produced through real low-cost production methods.
  • The private sector is prepared to enter agri-business which is within the littler sum amount levels of operations. Changing consumer demand and retail revolution has opened the doors for investment by the private sector privately sectors like Reliance, Bharti, Pantaloon, Carrefour, etc. 

Importance Of Agripreneurship In Fram Extension

The purpose of the extension is to disseminate advice to farmers. Knowledge gaps contribute to yield gaps. Services and quality inputs are essential productivity-enhancing tools. However, their optimum use requires knowledge. Some farmers marshal knowledge themselves.

Much debate focuses on how best to comprehend the desired outcomes that extension can convey. Extension in India features a mixed record.

But the final public provision has overall fallen in need of expectations.

New kinds of entrepreneurship models connect farmers to both rural and concrete markets and adopt decentralized approaches to push youth entrepreneurship and contribute to developing regional economies. These models also integrate credit, market linkage, and high-quality inputs, services of crop advisors for big groups of farmers. With the effective management of various agricultural elements, a non-public with risk-carrying capacity and also the correct to advance the foremost recent knowledge within the agricultural sector is additionally the proper agripreneur. Agripreneurship isn't only a chance but also a big force for improving assembly and profitability within the agricultural sector.

Quality Assurance In Farming

Agricultural marketing is additionally viewed as a process encompassing all the steps involved from the producer to the patron including pre and post-harvest operations like assembling, grading, storage, transportation, and distribution. in step with the National Commission on Agriculture. Agricultural marketing could also be a process that starts with the selection to provide a saleable farm commodity and it involves all the aspects regarding pre and post-harvest operations including assembling, grading, storage, transportation, and distribution. By performing these operations, it adds value to the merchandise in terms of it slow, place, and farm utilities. Storage facilities are also essential in marketing infrastructure.

Agricultural marketing has assumed increased importance after the launching of the new policy and consequent opening of India’s markets to foreign suppliers and buyers and access by Indians to world markets. To enable Indian farmers to derive the full benefits from the new liberalized world trade regime, it's a necessity to induce obviate various constraints and deficiencies within the prevailing domestic markets and marketing practices.

The Union Minister in his speech for Budget 2004-05 has indicated that India must become one marketplace for all products, particularly agricultural produce. These Acts governing agricultural produce marketing committees have outlined their utility.

In such cases, a processor who buys products from a smallholder could even be the first actor within the worth chain to interact with ineffective control. How can agricultural processors better convince their customers that appropriate steps to substantiate high-quality products are being taken? Should the household appliance use its own staff and facilities to conduct testing and assessments of quality and compliance with safety norms? Or should it depend on a third party to look at and certify product quality?

What Is Contract Farming

Today farming is occurring in agriculture, agriculture is expanding rapidly, and tiny farmers face more and more difficulties with accessing the market and receiving full benefits. At the identical time, large companies involved in crop supply or food processing require a reliable source of crops for further sale or processing. These changes have put significant pressure on farmers and processors, including more rigorous controls and commercial varieties. Government. Has initiated a rice production-marketing contract program in 2005 to assist rice farmers, similarly to determine themselves as partners within the agribusiness sector.

The minimum scale for each contract is 50 hectares of adjacent rice yields including rice farmers, seedling providers, millers, and marketing agents. Therefore on the tip results of this program, a survey has been dispensed with in the summer of 2005 after the first (spring) harvest was harvested. Information is collected on the characteristics of farmers and farms, additionally, thanks to the output and main variables and thus the value and price of stuck inputs. The contract farm's general revenue is about 11 percent over the contract non-contract farm. the price per hectare of production during a terrible contract farm is about 13 percent lower and, as a result, the final ratio under the contract is above 50 percent without the contract.

Contract farming has been proposed as revenue for the private sector to explore the roles previously taken by the government. within the provision of developing countries (small-scale farmers, like knowledge, inputs, or credits). Contract farming may additionally provide small farmers with an improved income or adequate protection from losses caused by price fluctuations. Rice production in Taiwan is supported by a little low family with a mean size of 1 hectare per farm for quite 30 years. Farmers learn to know the potential of production and scale by organizing custom farming teams. Most rice farmers are independent producers, who sell their products individually and who have little or no bargaining power with input suppliers and produce markets. Over the years, the government guaranteed purchases at the support price, which is 20 percent above everyday production costs, increased rice production and led to imbalances within provision and demand within the rice market. Government. A long-term partnership with producers is achieved by creating a transparent and commercially viable contract, which could be satisfactory to both parties.

The contract must be flexible and provide clear, simple specifications regarding three major areas: -

Quantity; Specifying the quantity of desired products (crop).
Quality; What quality level and standards should traders agree on.
Price; secondly, stating a selected price for the crops set by the farmers.